Thursday, September 20, 2007

Vegetable Orchestra--All Their Instruments Are Veggies!!!

The Vegetable Orchestra video on FoxyTunes Planet

[via FoxyTunes / The Vegetable Orchestra]

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This Cartoon Should Be in All Supermarkets

How to Buy Organic Apples (comic)

This brilliant cartoon needs to be in all supermarkets. It would make a great T-shirt and should also be on placards that protesters hold up for TV cameras to blast across the world's TV sets.

Interview with Funny Raw Song Video Guy

If you've seen Joel J. Jacobs' hysterical YouTube video about eating raw foods, you might wonder, as I did, what inspired him. Look no further! Here's my exclusive interview with this funnyman. If you haven't seen his video yet, there's a previous blog post here (June 20) with a link to it. You can find it easily in this blog's list of labels (tags) under Joel S. Jacobs.